August 26, 2011

Student of the Week

My cup overflows...

Yep, this is going into that bin o' stuff that will eventually be a super cute and crafty scrapbook!! 

MK didn't go to school today due to a virus.  When I went by to pick up her nap cover and found this in her cubbie I almost shed a tear.  The little things :) 

August 24, 2011


Several photos from recent projects...

Matching shirt & ruffle capris

For a trip to Disney

Love this one!  We will be offering this dress, along with some other knit dresses - monogrammed of course!

Baby shower gifts for little Weston who should be arriving very soon!

And finally, a beach outfit for MK. 

Drum roll please ... I am proud to announce that MK won the 'special big prize' for being the first to say her memory verse at school.  We practiced a lot and rewarded with M&Ms :)  She was so proud!!  

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  Gen 1:1 

August 15, 2011


We are officially in K-3 (“K-free”)! I can’t believe it. Even though MK was in daycare/school during the summer I still had that feeling in the pit of my stomach and the lump in my throat as I left my big girl for her first day in K-3.

Where does the time go?

Every day I am amazed by her thoughts and insight to life, and her amazing ability to comprehend new things she learns!

I’m her best friend she tells me…

 A classic “my tummy hurts” picture. That’s actually what she said, but I’m pretty sure she hasn’t learned to play hooky YET.

Here she is at her school, standing at the door to “K-free”…

Note the scripture on the door sign behind her. I love her school for so many reasons!!!!

I will praise You, God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

~ Outfit featured in this post ~
Addie top (NEW!) – shown with zig zag apple applique
Karley - girls ruffle capris